
Modelling and vErification of alkaptonuria and multiple sclerosis Driven by biomedICAl data

The goal of this project is to bridge the gap between data, models and validation, integrating the data-driven and model-driven research directions, so that to develop next generation modelling and analysis approaches for biomedical investigations.

We are developing the MEDICA framework, which combines three analysis phases: (1) extracting existing knowledge from integrated datasets, that will feed into (2) building multilevel mechanistic models, which will then go through (3) validation and model checking.

Biomedical research needs are the driving force of the project. We are tackling open research questions for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Alkaptonuria (AKU), for which we have world-leading experts in our consortium.

Our team

  • Alina Sîrbu
  • Silvia Giulia Galfrè
  • Francesca Levi
  • Paolo Milazzo
  • Corrado Priami

  • Elvio Amparore
  • Marco Beccuti
  • Marinella Clerico
  • Massimiliano De Pierro
  • Alessandro Maglione
  • Simone Pernice
  • Simona Rolla
  • James Sproston

  • Moreno Falaschi
  • Francesca Ariani
  • Linda Brodo
  • Sara Brunetti
  • Caterina Graziani
  • Veronica Lachi
  • Giulia Palma
  • Alessandra Renieri
  • Simone Rinaldi
  • Bianca Roncaglia
  • Ottavia Spiga
  • Anna Visibelli

  • Simone Tini
  • Ruggero Lanotte
  • Desiree Manicardi
  • Nicoletta Sabadini

Contact: alina.sirbu@unipi.it



Pernice, Simone; Maglione, Alessandro; Tortarolo, Dora; Sirovich, Roberta; Clerico, Marinella; Rolla, Simona; Beccuti, Marco; Cordero, Francesca

A new computational workflow to guide personalized drug therapy Journal Article

In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 148, pp. 104546, 2023, ISSN: 1532-0464.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

This project was financed by the European Union – Next-GenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) – MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, INVESTMENT N. 1.1, CALL PRIN 2022 D.D. 104 02-02-2022 – MEDICA CUP N. I53D23003720006 .