This page contains information about registration fees and options.
Registration fees

Deadline for EARLY registration: 20 July 2024
Banquet is a seafood dinner
Registration form
To register for the conference and pay the registration fee: Registration form
Available options
Regular registration covers the access to all conference and workshop sessions, the conference materials, the coffee breaks, the lunches, the social event, and the conference dinner.
Student registration is similar to regular registration, but it does not cover the social event and the conference dinner. This option is dedicated to undergraduate and PhD students.
The “Workshop only” registration covers the access to all sessions of the Workshop on Reaction Systems, the workshop materials and coffee breaks and lunch of the day in which the workshop will take place (18 September).
The Social event + Banquet (seafood dinner) option can be used by registered participants to buy extra tickets for the social event and conference dinner.
Students attendance
Undergraduate and graduate students can attend CMSB talks for free, subject to seats availability. Registration is mandatory in order to participate as a speaker, as well as to participe in coffee breaks, lunches, social events and any other activity apart from talks attendance.